How Sustainable is Artificial Intelligence?


How Sustainable is Artificial Intelligence?

Location: online

March 20 JHU Science Diplomacy Hub Event | How Sustainable is Artificial Intelligence?
Date & Time: March 20 at 3–7 PM

Address: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, D.C.

The Johns Hopkins Science Diplomacy Hub and Campus OWL with the SAIL project, together with the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH), the German Embassy, the American Friends of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the German Research Foundation (DFG) cordially invite you to attend the science diplomacy event on the topic of AI and sustainability. 

This event will occur at 3–7 pm on March 20th and will feature flash talks and a panel discussion followed by a reception. The event will focus on the following:

  • The profound impact of artificial intelligence on our society cannot be overstated. From communication and healthcare to transportation and entertainment, a significant portion of industries now rely on intelligent approaches to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and discovery new market opportunities. However, the rapid advancement of AI technology also comes with challenges and concerns.
  • As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives and critical systems, there is a pressing need for sustainable AI practices. These include the responsible and ethical development, deployment, and usage of AI that considers the long-term well-being of both society and the environment. Additionally, sustainable AI calls for the preservation of privacy and data security, as well as addressing the potential job displacement caused by automation.

For more information, contact: Katja Simons, see email under About Us.

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